Captain Johan has served as captain for sailing vessels up to 75-meters and has much sailing experience in the Mediterranean Sea, South China Sea, Andaman Sea as well as the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Johan is a professional skipper and exudes the confidence that makes every passenger feel secure throughout their voyage on Aspiration.
First Mate Roman has many years of working & sailing experience aboard large yachts. He has sailed over 30,000 miles and crewed on the 264 foot, 4-mast SY Phonecia from Italy to Phuket via the Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans. Roman has extensive experince in commercial diving and marine maintenance on virtually all sytems aboard a yacht. Roman’s easy-going personality, sense of humor and positive attitude have made him a real asset on board Aspiration for almost 3-years.
Cook/Hostess : Nipawadee is Thai and works in the hospitality industry in Phuket for 10 years. She has a Tourist Guide Licenses and can cook Thai or fusion cuisine. Before working on SY Aspiration she has been 2 years on a Live aboard Dive Boat and 3 years on a Cruiser.